Links and other websites
Our website has links to various websites and several websites may have links to our website. Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd cannot be held responsible for the content, privacy, or business practices of any other website or company except its own.
Translated content
The referrals to external website translations found on this page are provided for information only and are not affiliated with Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd in any way. We are therefore unable to guarantee the accuracy, authenticity, or completeness of any information translated via these websites and do not control, nor accept liability for any loss suffered due to reliance on these translation services. We encourage independent advice in relation to any information translated using the external website translations referred to from this website.
Images (photographic / graphic) and word content
Images used on our website, whether they be of people, places or events, are not necessarily the exact representation of the Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd. The reason being in certain cases Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd is required to safeguard the identity of certain people or places for very legitimate reasons. In addition, Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd makes the most reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy of content, however, it makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or reliability of all content.
Vitae Veritas Pty Ltd retains the copyright on all text, graphic images, and other content on this website.